About us

Artisans following tradition

Maglificio Pa-Ten S.r.l. was established in 1986 in Carpi, a thriving district renowned for its excellence in Italian knitwear. This location provided a launchpad for building the stability that characterizes Pa-Ten today. For over 35 years, the company has been active in the industry with an evolving approach, always keeping pace with the times, innovative in every respect, and entirely focused on customer satisfaction, offering meticulous support for every project.

We work with passion

In its early years, Pa-Ten exclusively dealt with fast fashion Made in Italy as a subcontractor. After a few years, it decided to expand, adapting its workspaces to the company’s rapid evolution. Thanks to a considerable expansion in production and the decision to target a mid-to-high market segment, Maglificio Pa-Ten now meets the daily challenges of the Italian knitwear and women’s fashion market with tight production schedules and, above all, scalable production capacity. With the incorporation of younger generations in key company roles, Pa-Ten has found the right and decisive motivation to successfully navigate an ever-evolving market.

100% Italian knitwear

Every single garment produced by Maglificio Pa-Ten is created with unparalleled artisanal care, characterized by the choice of noble yarns and the ability to transform them. Thanks to a wide variety of machinery and its flexibility, the company develops collections that meet every type of demand, even the most demanding ones. Our team provides all the necessary consultancy for the creation and production of our own samples, or as per customer’s request, carefully following the production process up to the delivery of the finished garments ready for sale.