Customer Support

360-degree customer care

Reliable, on-time, and always ready to find a solution for any problem: these are the characteristics of Pa-Ten’s customer service. A genuine dedication that allows us to meet the requests of those who entrust us with the production of their women’s fashion collections. In our company, customer care is perfectly aligned with the transparency and honesty that characterize the best family-run Made in Italy companies. Our attention is always focused on prioritizing the satisfaction of those who trust in our work.

Support in sample development

To meet the needs of every type of client, we offer support in sample development. We provide a collection of ideas for garments, created from time to time in line with the latest trends in women’s fashion. Based on modification requests, which add originality and an unmistakable signature to the products, we bring the order to life and begin production of the collection. We follow each production step closely, providing immediate support for any situation.

Continuous production and quick restocking

Those who choose to entrust the production of their women’s fashion collection to Pa-Ten don’t need to worry about limitations: we like to think outside the box and provide the customer with everything they need. This is why we guarantee continuous production and quick restocking of each garment, giving the product the continuity it needs in the market. Our structure and machinery allow us to provide scalable production capacity based on the client’s needs, even the most demanding ones. This makes us the perfect partner for those seeking a fast fashion supplier or a women’s fashion manufacturer for the account of third parties.